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biognetWithin the framework of the course at the regional office, the subject of bio energy is also broached, and in particular the production and use of biogas. Biogas is a combustible gas and has a similar composition to natural gas (essential components are methane and carbon dioxide). It can therefore be burned and can be used for functions such as cooking and the production of electricity in generators. Biogas comprises organic substances (carbohydrate, proteins, fats) such as those contained in large quantities in market waste, food waste, slurry and plants. These are decomposed in a hermetically sealed container (the fermenter) by bacteria at 32 to 42 degrees Celsius, at which time both biogas and bio fertiliser for agriculture are produced.

Applied bio technology

In this way, biogas technology is able to make a very good contribution in particular to effective and ecological agriculture. By applying biogas technology it is possible to generate electricity, energy for cooking and bio fertilisers from waste and residual materials. In subtropical and tropical countries in particular, where extensive vegetation is available as biomass all year round,this technology can facilitate the provision of an efficient and useful decentralised energy supply, above all in rural regions.

On the courses, participants are required to examine the foundations for biogas technology and a small biogas plant is constructed.

biogasanlage   prototyp biogasanlage   biogasanlage aethiopien
Prototype of a simple biogas plant for Ethiopia

Landesstelle für gewerbliche
Berufsförderung in Entwicklungsländern

Hartmannsweilerweg 29
D 14163 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Fon: 030 814901-44
Fax: 030 814901-80

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