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solarthermieContents of solar power

Measuring the solar constants and practical determination of the sun’s angle. Construction, functionality and calculation of thermal solar plants. Construction of a solar panel with small output for a thermosyphon plant. Here, the absorbers are personally produced and reviewed in the workshop.

Contents of photovoltaics

solarzelleConfiguration and functionality of electrical solar cells. Practical measurements of characteristic curves for solar cells and solar modules. Configuration of simple solar plants with an energy store (stand-alone systems). Calculation and dimensioning of a photovoltaic stand-alone system following a consumer analysis. Practical exercises on the photovoltaic exercise board. Faulty wiring of a stand-alone system with subsequent function testing and fault-finding. Course participants are able to take the self-built panels back to their native countries at the end of the course. The programs are conducted in German as long-term measures lasting 12 months, or in German, English, or the native language with an interpreter as short-term measures with a duration of 6 months.

Landesstelle für gewerbliche
Berufsförderung in Entwicklungsländern

Hartmannsweilerweg 29
D 14163 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Fon: 030 814901-44
Fax: 030 814901-80

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